Inergy Group
Inergy Group describe themselves as engineering efficiency experts. They specialise in the design, installation, and maintenance of commercial and industrial heating, cooling, and air conditioning systems. This puts them in a crowded marketplace with high competition for many of the most valuable search terms.
The Challenge
Having begun with a basic website, their previous agency had focused heavily on local SEO, establishing landing pages for heating and cooling in each location. This strategy had seen some success, but they were looking for an agency who would take this further.
In our initial meetings they discussed sustainability as one area they felt they were undersupported in.
Inergy Group were also concerned about their current Google Ads campaigns, questioning whether the daily budget being spent was worth it.
The Solution
PPC Team: After an initial audit of the account, we found that Inergy’s doubts were understandable. There were over 20 active ad groups filled with redundant keywords that were not converting, resulting in wasted clicks and wasted budget. The whole campaign would require a complete overhaul.
Our first step was to pause all keywords that spent budget without generating any conversions. From there we narrowed down the campaign to select ad groups. Due to the previous mass of ad groups, the keywords that had generated conversions had issues with low ad relevance. To fix this we created new ads in the ad group, being careful not to edit any previous ads until the new ads began to generate results. Once the keyword changes had been made, we then had to be strict with the negative keyword list in order to stop any further wasted clicks
After our changes proved to be successful, we then replicated this and created multiple new campaigns for seasonal specific services whilst still using the same budget given to us.
SEO Team: Working with the client to identify key markets they wanted to crack, we carried out localised keyword research for each one. Their previous agency had also done work in this area but as public awareness of growing markets evolves, so do search terms, and Inergy work with relatively new technologies in evaporative cooling and radiant heating. We wanted to ensure we were tracking and investing in the most valuable keywords.
Starting in the spring we focused on keywords around commercial cooling systems for these locations, producing people-first content focused on these searches.
We also overhauled the locations menu. This had been a grid of locations in no particular order, which we recognised could frustrate users checking for their location. To solve this, we built out a landing page centred around a map plugin.
Potential customers can click on their region of the UK and be presented with all relevant pages. This maintains the strong internal linking we were looking for while improving the user experience and look of the website.
Initial results were extremely promising, taking top organic rankings for several relevant keywords for Sheffield. However, we also wanted to improve conversion rate, and we therefore looked at revisions to the content and format of other pages, resulting in continued improvements to performance on local and national scales.
We continued on our existing strategy, switching to heating-related content around September, but combined this with a robust blogging strategy built around the client’s expertise, targeting search terms identified through keyword research and reference to Google features including People Also Asked.
Following the success of this strategy we proposed a digital PR strategy. Inergy produced a piece on Evaporative Cooling, which our content experts revised into a thought-leadership piece, and we identified a number of potential sites and magazines to carry it, focusing on the HVAC industry and on facilities and property management outlets.
This first article received interest from eight outlets and was used by six of them, each with credit to Inergy Group and a link back of high relevance and value. We followed this up with a second which has also gone on to achieve publication, and also resulted in a positive relationship with a number of journalists at different outlets. As a result we’ve been contacted by journalists asking if Inergy will provide comment on other research they’ve carried out. This fertile relationship will be developed further going through 2025.
Broader Connections
We were also in position here to develop a stronger push for sustainability, and we investigated both relevant search terms for corporate sustainability programs and the questions and concerns that occupy people searching for these terms. The Sustainability section of Inergy’s website launched a little over halfway through the year and is directly responsible for a huge growth in impressions and market share.
Working closely with the company as we do, we learned that off the back of this growing success, the Managing Director was considering updating the branding for the company. We volunteered our services for this and one of our team developed several concepts. With feedback from this – two of them standing out – we developed a second wave of concepts, one of which was chosen for some final adjustments, and that is now the company logo.
With plans for a fully updated website in the pipeline we have recently completed a competitor audit. Several recommendations from this will go into the new site in early 2025, positioning Inergy to gain even more market share in this competitive marketplace.
The Results
- 47.54% Increase in Paid Ad Conversions
- 28.51% Increase in Paid Ad Conversion Rate
- 35.50% Decrease in Paid Ad Impressions (removing wasted clicks)
- 201.33% Increase in Organic Clicks Year on Year
- 164.75% Increase in Organic Impressions Year on Year
- 100% Increase in Organic Conversions