As more and more teens boycott the growing social media trend, First Digital Media takes a look at why they might be scared of the social platforms and what they are doing instead.
The younger generation of today is instantly associated with the social media world and technology. A lot of us expect them to be dab hands at anything technical and although the majority are online all day, there is a small average who are avoiding going on the internet altogether.
Recent Research Findings
The BBC recently reported that nearly two-thirds of children were actually not bothered if they never had access to social media, a stark difference to the general image of teenagers from their elders. Looking at findings from 5,000 students, those aged between 14-16 were actually against social media ever being created.
A massive 71% of them said that they would quite like a digital detox all together with some of them taking part in a phone fast.
Fear of Being Distant
In a world where everything takes place online, you can often feel distant without being active on the platforms. There is a real fear amongst all users of online social media that they might miss out on potential conversations, events and being present in the time if they are not active at the right times, but when is that?
With two-thirds of 12-15-year-olds now holding a smartphone, according to the British Council, you can now be active online while on the move. With the chance to scroll through Facebook, watch videos on YouTube, tweet on the move and Snapchat your every breathing second, when do you ever put the phone down?
Life Before the Internet
Many teenagers nowadays don’t remember life before the internet was so easily on hand. With smartphones, selfies and online profiles being there since they were able to walk, it can often be hard to break the mould and go against everything you know.
Although this generation “have agile thumbs”, there are some that are proving life without social media is a much easier way of life altogether. Getting to sleep earlier, relaxing while out and being in a better mood is all encouraged without the smartphone attached to your hand but why are they suddenly so anti-social?
Quitting Social Media, For Good?
When it comes to quitting social media, the students who took part in the study at Benenden School in Kent realised that without their phones they weren’t actually that sad. Overall they missed their phones but not to just scroll through social media etc, they missed the only element that most people forget about, communication.
Social media is a great platform to keep groups of kids in touch with each other on the regular. With the majority of teenagers being part of at least 3 group messages, if they have a question at any time of day it can be answered by someone.
If we forget the negative side of cyber-bullying, fake images and false perceptions of happiness, social media really isn’t that bad after all.
Get in Touch
Get in touch and let us know what you think about the social media fear or call us to set up your own social media accounts on 01524 544346.