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We previously asked you if you were ready for 2017 and in the blink of an eye we are already 4 days in to the new year. With the new year being a big opportunity to overhaul your marketing strategies, there is no time like the present to take some tips from the leading experts here at First Digital Media.

Social Media Marketing

As a somewhat second nature to most millennials and smartphone users, social media has taken the online world by storm and is showing no signs of stopping anytime soon. In 2016, Facebook alone had 1,590 million worldwide users with WhatsApp, Twitter and Instagram following suit in high figures.

Whether used for keeping up with news, following celebrities, purchasing from businesses or keeping in touch with friends, there is no doubt that social media has become a necessity in the online world. Using the platforms to your benefit is a sure fire way of creating an online presence, promoting your content and getting your consumers to interact with your business as a whole.

Consider your audience, work with headlines that are eye catching, keep your consumers engaged and always use ‘Call to Actions’.

Video Marketing

The ‘new’ powerful tool bursting onto the scene in the new year is video marketing. In order to influence your chosen target market and stay above the radar, you need interesting, innovative and exciting content to keep them entertained. Nobody wants to stare at a blank advert anymore and we don’t blame them when video is much more interesting on so many levels! Using the right sound, imagery, concept and overall delivery can mean the difference between being a leader and a follower online.

A video never acts alone and is 100% part of a marketing plan. With the right planning, your video marketing techniques can inform your consumers and potential customers into what you really want them to do with your business.

Content Strategy

Content makes up your site (amongst other elements) and needs to be clear, make sense and be relevant to your business. Sounds pretty straight forward? Now you may be thinking “I already know this” but believe us, there are people out there who don’t follow this simple technique with their content marketing and are making huge failures going into 2017.

Using blog posts, social media, online articles, videos and website content to promote your business where it needs to be is essential in conquering the online world. Online marketing as whole includes various elements in order to be effective and as there is no I in team, it is vital your marketing works together rather than contradicting each part.

Direction and Achievement

We could go into every single element of digital marketing (which you can find here on our site) but we chose to focus on three key parts and followed our direction of choice. We focused on social media marketing, content strategy and video marketing to let our clients know what we advise for new marketing strategies in 2017. Great achievement of direction, right?

Ensuring your site has a clear direction, your content has a clear path of conversion and that you are achieving your aims is the ultimate goal of any business owner. Whether you are actively managing your own online campaigns or are you placing the trust in our hands, there has to be a direction in order to achieve your main aims. Without main aims and a clear directional path, your efforts are wasted and it is highly unlikely that they will be successful.

Other Trends To Watch Out For

Keep an eye out for other marketing techniques that will be big players in the digital world of 2017 and check back on our blog to keep up to date.

  • Influencer Marketing
  • Live Streaming
  • Chatbots
  • Virtual Reality
  • Short-lived Content (Snapchat)
  • Personalisation
  • Purpose Driven Marketing
  • Social Media Purchase Options

Get in Touch

These topics discussed are not definitive of digital marketing and there are many options and routes to choose for your business. If you are looking at marketing techniques for the new year get in touch with the experts here at First Digital Media. Call us on 01524 544346 to speak to us and get well on your way to making 2017 your year in the online world.

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