Writers block happens to the best of us and we can often get lost in the wider world of content marketing. Here are 5 top tips on how First Digital Media combat the problem and reign above the rest!
How long do you think it will take you to get back on track with your content strategy? Following these quick tips is sure to get you back in the game in no time, so what are you waiting for?
Find the Problem, Pronto!
In any situation where you are coming to a halt, you need to know why. Every problem has a source and blocking that source from further disruption needs to be the step you take first.
“Content marketing has become a big part of consumer engagement and attracting the attention of the right audience online” and if you aren’t reaching the right audience, you could be setting yourself up for failure (Forbes).
Look at your content creation process and find the possible causes that can be dragging your team down. Whether you are the managing director or the lead content writer, finding the issue needs to be your main priority.
On the other hand, if you don’t have a content marketing strategy, what are you playing at!? Get the enthusiasm back, work together and establish a plan that works for you. We understand how hard it can be to stay on top of your creation process over time but that doesn’t mean it has to fail all together.
Arrange Your Priorities
If you have found yourself in a slump and are reading this blog, the chances are that your content team has already failed on their priorities. Your organisation needs to have a game plan in place so that this problem doesn’t reoccur on a regular basis otherwise, what is the point in having a creative team anyway?
It is so important to have your priorities in line when it comes to any part of your business, not just content creation. Get everyone involved, even those that are not in the content team, for fresh ideas, new potential plans and then you will get the motivation you need for content creation.
Get Your Plan Ready
We don’t mean getting a plan ready right now, how would you do that with no motivation? However, we do suggest getting some kind of plan together of what you are hoping to achieve from your content strategy so that you have a direction to follow.
Another suggestion that you could follow is creating a backlog of content, so that if this situation arises in the future, you always have content to fall back on while your strategy gets changed about. Make sure to keep on top of the gap between fresh content and backlog though because you can easily go for weeks without writing new material and find yourself back in the halt you were trying to avoid.
“It can be hard to come up with new content all the time”, so make it easier for yourself from the start with a fall back of content (Entrepreneur).
Create A Thought Cloud
Whether your content creation came to a halt because of lack of motivation or just lack of ideas, you don’t want to get caught in this situation again. By having a thought cloud of potential ideas to rely on in the future, you can technically never run out of ideas again.
Hold a meeting with everyone in the content team and just bounce ideas off each other. You could also take a look at what your competitors are doing (don’t copy) as that might also inspire you with potential future plans.
The final step could be to rely on freelancers. First Digital Media don’t work with freelancers as we have a great in house team that we can rely on, but if your business is just starting out or you are a little stuck, a freelancer could give you the boost you need.
Sort Your Calendar
Once you have your ideas set out you need to spread them evenly across your calendar so that you get an even amount of content ideas throughout the strategy. It is no use to anyone using up all of your ideas within the first 4 weeks so make sure you have a calendar in order before you start the process.
If you don’t do this, you could find yourself coming back to this blog on a regular basis (which we would love, but it isn’t great for your business).
Set yourself deadlines, specific targets and weekly themes to focus on so that you know your content strategy plan inside and out. By doing this you never miss a week, you don’t miss great ideas and nothing can slip through the cracks!
Get in Touch
If you are struggling with your content creation or you are looking for someone to help along the way, call First Digital Media right now. Call us on 01524 544346 to discuss digital marketing for your business and moving forward online with the experts.