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With content gurus stating that content is king, it can really pay to know how to write your own content in the world of digital marketing.

When it comes to writing epic content for your online presence, you really need to plan exactly what it is you are wanting to write before you start. Great planning leads to great content and without great content, your brand awareness online will fall short to those who put effort into their writing skills.

Don’t Struggle

There is no need to struggle when it comes to writing any form of content. Whether you are blogging, creating a job advert or writing to your social media followers, whatever you choose to write should flow easily enough as it is your business after all!

Without content writing skills and years of practice the easiest way that you will be able to write content is by following a simple and straight forward plan, like these ten steps First Digital Media will provide you with.

1.      Find what your customers want to read

There is no use writing content just for the sake of writing it anymore. It needs to have depth, it has to support your readers and it needs to hold relevance to your business. For example, we discovered that our readers were wanting to know more about content writing, so therefore we wrote this piece of content to support that.

Find what your customer’s issues are and solve them with the content you write. You can do this by following their path on your website using analytics, reading blog comments, check out reviews and also conduct interviews if you want to go really far.

2.      Choose a good topic

Finding the right topic for your blog post can often be the hardest part as you want to stay on topic throughout. An example of a poorly chosen topic is one that you can’t write more than 50 words about. If you are stuck after the first paragraph, maybe your topic isn’t really that interesting after all.

It is often easier to stick to one topic and don’t try to solve too many issues in one article. If your ideas are about helping readers find a job, scope that down to how to build a CV with following content posts meeting the final point of finding the job.

Neil Patel from Hubspot came up with 4 ingenious ideas on how to choose the best topic for your blogpost. With knowing your target audience, being relevant, research and leverage being the tips to follow, you are sure to find a great topic to write about in no time.

3.      Check out the competition

Always do this. This step cannot be missed at all as you need to know what your competitors are doing. Your competitors are either your competition or you are their followers, whichever they are you need to be doing what they’re doing in your own patterns in order to keep up or take over.

You will not be the first to cover a certain content post so make sure that what you write will top the last or even better take over them on search rankings. Using relevant keywords, search on social media and check out other blog sites to collect relevant links you can use throughout your own content.

4.      Make yours stand out

If you do have a lot of competition out there you may need to take extra steps to make sure you stand out from the crowd. There is no use in writing another piece of content that will go in line with everyone else.

Whether you change design, layout, add drama or choose a different take on the situation, you need to make your content take first place. Writing amazing content is all well and good but if no one ever gets the chance to read it, you might as well have not even started.

The Content Marketing Institute recently published 4 ways to make your content stand out and these include a solid story angle, amazing photographs, leverage with expertise and being trendy. Following these 4 steps should make your content stand out sure enough.

5.      Create a thought shower

Now you need to think of the headline, the anchor text and the main body of your content post. Without a catchy headline and amazing text to follow, your content can get lost in the big world wide web and your time will be wasted.

The main job of your headline is to grab attention, so have a session looking at direct keywords, attraction techniques and craft your headline around your content to ensure that your readers will be encouraged to read further.

6.      Research, Research and Research

Research will be one of the biggest elements of writing your content. You will need to check out your competitors but also check out any surrounding topics that can contribute to yours. With credible news articles linked to your content and leaning on other gurus in the industry for guidance, your readers are more likely to trust your content and hopefully come back for more.

7.      Get planning

To start writing once you have gone through steps 1-6, you will need to make sure you have a solid plan to follow. There is no benefit in just starting writing without a plan as you are more than likely going to get lost and muddled with your words. In order to structure your content effectively, you need to organise you content before you start.

Start with a basic outline of where you want your content to start, transition and end to give you a somewhat timeline of how your writing will take place.

8.      Write your content

Now you can finally write your content following your research, competitor analysis and headline drafting. Write with emphasis on your point, keep your readers in mind and incorporate certain keywords into your text to get your readers attention instantly.

Throughout your text you will need to use catchy sub-headings and links to powerful articles that will help your content rather than hinder.

9.      Finish up and thoroughly check

You should always read through your own content before publishing it anywhere. Simple spelling mistakes need to be monitored and removed and you might even find yourself adding more where needs be. Without checking your content and reading it from a reader’s point of view, you can be promoting poor practices which leaves your business not in a great light.

10. Shout it from the roof tops

Now you can promote and tell everyone about your new amazing piece of content. Once you have followed steps 1-9 your content should be ready to be shared on every platform possible so that you can really promote your hard work and efforts with those that should see it.

Repurposing your content is easy enough and can be shared on social media, amongst your own customers and to other influencers that can get you further promotion. Don’t eve be afraid to share your own work, you worked hard on it, so why not?!

Get in Touch

If you are struggling with your own content and need some assistance, call First Digital Media today on 01524 544346. We have a specialist team on hand to help you promote your brand and to give you guidance on the best places to share your content.

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